You know, it's funny.

When I first started development on this game, I figured it was going to take me two and half months, three tops.

This game took me two and half years to develop...

And over those two and half years, so many things happen, so many setbacks, so many difficulties, so many things that just got in the way of this game's development and just made things difficult, lead to further delays, just wiped me out, and made me want to give up.

For context, here's a short, not at all exhaustive list of just some of the things that happened during this game's development:

-I was dealing with countless semesters of college, which of course, when they were going on, made it really difficult to work on this game effectively

-My computer screen broke TWICE during development. And so because I constantly was having to replace that, that put a further damper on things.

-Before SUBCON.FDS, NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE had ever finished a SMB2 engine before, and certainly not for clickteam fusion, and even then, I'm aware this engine isn't perfect, but I feel when it comes to the aspects of this game I wanted to be of more significance (The horror and the story of it) I exelled at it. The gameplay I feel I did good enough ultimately, even if it's a bit buggy (I'll honestly see when I patch it, I'm pretty wiped out with this game at this point and wouldn't look forward to going back to it again for a bit.)

-I had countless sessions speaking of the above in which I wiped out and exhausted. Making an engine and game nearly from the ground up, especially of this scale was no small order, not all at.

-Want to know another thing that also happened twice during this game's development? It's borderline cancellation. There was countless times making this game that I straight up was ready to give up, and honestly wanted to. And at a certain point the only thing keeping me going was the sunk cost fallacy more than anything else. With how many sacrifices I had made at that point, all the hours, all the months, all the time, all the energy, all the work to commit the simple task of getting this game on the web. I knew there was no turning back at a certain point.

-Along with this, CLICK. TEAM. FUSION. no offense but using this engine for a project of this scale has taught me something new and interesting. DON'T. DO. WHAT. I. DID.

-What's that? Using Clickteam for a project of this scale, and especially for one being made from the ground up. It can be helpful for shorter projects like most other shorter exe games (Kinda like 1-1.EXE and Sonic 1 Prototype) but DON'T DO WHAT I DID for the second time. For context, everytime I found a major bug that affected the entire game, I had to go through the countless frames that I had prepared just to fix that one single bug. There's more issues it caused that I could talk about, but that's another thing this has all taught me. You can't just assume you know better than the people who have experienced more than you have. People warned me "avoid clickteam", "don't use clickteam", "clickteam is bad". And I didn't head their warnings and sort of got a pretty harsh, years long lesson for such a blunder.

-And there's countless other struggles I honestly had during this project's development that I can't even begin to talk about honestly.

But with all of that said, months and months later, ages later, lots of sacrificed hours, energy, time, effort, etc. later. I finally bring you...the full version of SUBCON.FDS.


58 days ago

Get SUBCON.FDS (Super Mario 2 EXE Game)

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