New Showcase Coming Soon!

Alright so here's the deal, in the VERY near future I've decided, I'm going to start showing off what's been going on with this game despite me saying I was going to wait. Here's why:

I've been RADIO silent, literally, dead silent on this game for not a month, not two months, not three months, not four months, but OVER A YEAR. I repeat, OVER A YEAR I've shown you all basically nothing, NOTHING regarding what's actually going to be in the completed version of this game.

Literally because I was going to wait until the fourth exe challenge was submitted and then I was going to show it. But honestly, I don't feel that's reasonable for me to do at this point. I'm really unsure when the fourth exe challenge will be starting, given how the third one ended relatively recently (like, about two months or so ago as of me writing this post).

I don't know how soon we can really expect Exechallenge4, it could be just a couple weeks from now, it could be a month from now, heck, it could be tomorrow lmao. could be another six or seven. Do you really want to wait another seven months just to get some kind of new information of what's actual going to be in the full version of this game? Of course not, that's kinda not reasonable.

So yeah, get hyped because to repeat, in the VERY near future, and I mean it, I'll be showing off some of what's going to be featured once the full version of this game comes about. Stay tuned.

Get SUBCON.FDS (Super Mario 2 EXE Game)

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